How to Join the Wayward Web

You can be a part of the Wayward Web! This page describes how to join.

Step 1

First, you may want to read:

If those pages pique your interest, proceed to...

Step 2

You'll need a webpage (obviously) where you maintain a curated collection of links or other info. We'll call this page your curation page.

If you don't have a website yet, Neocities is a great, free indie webhost.

Please actually have some stuff on your curation page before proceeding to the next step ;). I don't really want to maintain a webring full of placeholder pages...

Step 3

Tell me about your website via this Google form.

You can also email me (Ben) at Be sure to include:

  • the URL of your curation page
  • the name of your site (if it isn't obvious)

This does not guarantee that I will add you to the webring. I might decline to add your site because it doesn't fit the webring's theme, or doesn't follow the rules, or because I just don't feel like it.

Step 4

Add the webring widget code to your curation page!

© 2024–whenever, Ben Christel