Webring Code

This page assumes you have already asked to be added (or have been invited) to the webring.

To link yourself to other sites in the Wayward Webring, do the following:

Step 1: Download this JavaScript file (wwwebring.min.js) and upload it to your site.

Step 2: Add the HTML below to your site, where you want the webring widget to appear. Replace the https://yoursite.example.com/wwwebring.min.js URL with the actual location of wwwebring.min.js on your site.

<script defer src="https://yoursite.example.com/wwwebring.min.js"></script>

And that's it! That's all you need to do. The widget should look approximately like this if it's working:

If you have questions or concerns, the sections below might address them.

Custom styling


If you want maximum control over how the widget looks, see the section below, about the JavaScript-free way to link yourself into the webring.

If you just want to change the widget's background color, font color, or border, you can do that via CSS variables. The available variables are:

  • --wwwebring-border - applied to the border property of the widget. Example value: 2px solid black.
  • --wwwebring-background - applied to the background property. Example value: url(https://placekitten.com/200/300).
  • --wwwebring-text-color - applied to the color property. Example value: green.

To set these variables, you can add them to a style attribute on the widget div:

  style="--wwwebring-text-color: green; --wwwebring-background: #eff;"

The code above might not work for you, for a number of reasons:

  • Your web host might not allow JavaScript, or might not allow your pages to fetch data from other sites (e.g. https://waywardweb.org/ring.json).
  • Your site's visitors might have JavaScript disabled.

You also might simply dislike having a big ugly webring widget on your page. Fair enough. I'm not a huge fan of how it looks myself.

If any of these applies to you, you can use links like the following instead (replacing yoursite.example.com with the actual domain of your site):

<a href="https://waywardweb.org/sites/yoursite.example.com/previous">&larr<!-- left arrow --></a>
<a href="https://waywardweb.org">The Wayward Webring</a>
<a href="https://waywardweb.org/sites/yoursite.example.com/next">&rarr;<!-- right arrow --></a>

Here's what the result will look like:

The Wayward Webring

Of course, you can use any variant of this. It will work as long as you have links to these URLs:

  • https://waywardweb.org/sites/yoursite.example.com/previous
  • https://waywardweb.org/sites/yoursite.example.com/next
  • https://waywardweb.org

Pros and cons of the two approaches

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to use JavaScript or links for your webring widget:

Feature JavaScript Links
Updates automatically when members join or leave the ring
Best for screenreader users
Users can see site names & URLs before navigating
You can try it out before I add you to the ring
Works with JS disabled
Can be styled however you want

Mirrors and dev servers


The JavaScript webring widget looks at the current URL of the page to figure out which site it's on and thus where the "previous" and "next" links should go. If you have a mirror of your main site, or a local development server, and you want the widget to work there, you'll have to do a tiny bit of extra configuration.

Add a data-wwwebring-you-are-here attribute to your HTML, like this:


Replace https://yoursite.example.com with the URL of your main site.

If the widget can't figure out which site it's on based on the real URL of the page, it will look at the data-wwwebring-you-are-here hint instead.

© 2024–whenever, Ben Christel